2024 Hooding Ceremony

2024 Hooding Ceremony

On Friday, May 10, the David A. Clarke School of Law’s Hooding Ceremony was held at the University of the District of Columbia Theater of the Arts. The ceremony marked the successful completion of law school for 70 graduates. 

In the presence of 560 families, friends, faculty, and staff, the ceremony began with a procession of graduates entering the auditorium dressed in purple commencement regalia. UDC College of Arts and Sciences Acting Dean Jeff Fleming began the speaking program with a prayer. Following the prayer by Dean Fleming, Dean Johnson addressed the audience. 

Dean Johnson exclaimed, “Finally, we are here.” The audience responded with a loud round of applause. Dean Johnson expressed her excitement for the occasion, celebrating the graduates’ successful completion of their Juris Doctor degree from UDC Law. She thanked and welcomed the Board of Trustees, President Maurice Edington, cabinet members, Acting Chief Academic Officer Dr. April Massey, faculty, staff, members of the DC School of Law Foundation, Guest Speaker Attorney Camille Joseph Varlack Chief of Staff to the 110th Mayor of New York City and, the graduating students. Dean Johnson also gave special recognition to graduates’ friends and family members, acknowledging their sacrifices to support their loved ones through their law school journey.  

 Following Dean Johnson’s remarks, Student Bar Association President Imani Roberson’24 took the stage. Imani spoke about her theme for the Student Bar Association, “Dreamers and Doers,” explaining that the theme reflects the kind of students UDC Law attracts and needs. She highlighted her classmates’ perseverance and hard work, quoting graduate Erica Stephens, who said, “We have to look inward to move onward and upward.” Imani celebrated the innovative and tenacious spirit of students like Alex King, who worked tirelessly to create a more accommodating schedule for evening students, and Sade Clarke, who laid the groundwork for the SBA wellness center, which will open next year. “It’s that level of innovation, tenacity, and perseverance that will allow us to be advocates and change agents, committed to seeking justice,” she said. 

 After Imani’s speech, Dean Johnson introduced the Hooding Ceremony speaker, Camille Joseph Varlack, Chief of Staff, to the 110th Mayor of New York City. Varlack shared her journey from a humble upbringing in Trinidad and Tobago to becoming a successful lawyer and public servant. Attorney Varlack emphasized the importance of representation in the criminal justice system and encouraged graduates to carry forward a legacy of service, resilience, and advocacy. “The road ahead will undoubtedly be marked by challenges and obstacles, but it is precisely in these moments of adversity that your true strength and character will shine the brightest,” she said, adding, “Your voices are not only wanted; they are needed.”  Varlack also spoke about the fulfillment that can be found in public service, saying, “There is no greater feeling than waking up every day and knowing that your job is to serve others.” She implored students to never lose sight of the heart of public service, “the pursuit of justice, equality, and dignity for all.” She left students with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “The time is always right to do what is right.”   

 Following Camille Varlack’s speech, Dean Johnson introduced the day and evening division speakers, Ewuare Osayande and Suleman Masood. Ewuare Osayande, a poet, essayist, author, and social justice activist, encouraged his classmates to stay connected to their purpose and ability to change the world. Suleman Masood highlighted UDC Law’s unique commitment to social justice and public service and, at the conclusion of his speech, announced SBA President Imani Roberson as the Judge Prior Legacy Award winner for her academic excellence and service to the community. Graduate Najeri Evans was awarded the Edgar Cahn Community Service Award for organizing ten community service projects. Efeturi Agbuduta received the Unsung Hero Award for her behind-the-scenes contributions to the law school. Professor Marcy Karin announced the Clinical Legal Education Association Award recipients. Andrew Martell received the CLEA Outstanding Externship Award, Julian Pendarvis received the CLEA Outstanding Student Award, and the Outstanding Clinical Team Award was awarded to Neena Qureshi and Tanner Carlson.  

 The Dean’s Cup Award for Service was awarded to Imani Roberson, the Dean’s Cup Award for Scholarship was shared by Omar Astrero and Julian Pendarvis, and the Dean’s Cup Award for Practice went to Alecia Watson. The Richard H. Semsker Prize for Civil Rights Law, awarded to a high-performing graduate with modest means who wishes to work in civil rights, was given to Ewuare Osayande. As award winners were announced, they entered the stage to take pictures to the sound of applause. 

 Before the hooding of students began, Dean Johnson explained the significance of the hoods that graduates were about to receive. The size of the hoods and the width of the velvet represent the type of degree earned. The purple velvet signifies the Juris Doctor degree, and the colors inside the hood represent the school from which the degree was earned. She invited the audience to welcome the class of 2024 for the donning of the Juris Doctor hoods. Graduates were called up to be hooded by Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Matthew Fraidin and Professor Saleema Snow. As each graduate was hooded, they posed for pictures, their happiness contagious and evidence of a significant achievement. Once everyone was hooded, Dean Johnson announced, “I now present to you the candidates for the Juris Doctor degree. The conferral of degrees takes place the next day at the university commencement ceremony.” 

 The ceremony ended with a recording of the alma mater, “Our Glorious UDC.”, marking the official beginning of Graduates’ careers as degreed legal professionals committed to practicing law, promoting justice, and changing lives. Graduates and their families then proceeded to the dessert reception in the lobby, where they celebrated and took pictures with their loved ones. 

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